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Community Health
Assessment Survey

Take the Community Health Assessment Survey

The purpose of this survey is to get your opinion about community health and safety issues in Garrard County. The Garrard County Health Department and our community partners will use the results of this survey to identify important problems that can be addressed through community action. The Garrard County Health Dept is using a Community Health Assessment Survey as we plan for future services for Garrard County.

What is a community health assessment survey?

A community health assessment, also known as community health needs assessment, refers to a state, tribal, local, or territorial health assessment that identifies key health needs and issues through systematic, comprehensive data collection and analysis. A community health improvement plan is a long-term, systematic effort to address public health problems based on the results of community health assessment activities and the community health improvement process.

Why is it important to complete a community health assessment?

A community health assessment gives organizations comprehensive information about the community’s current health status, needs, and issues. In turn, this information can help with developing a community health improvement plan by justifying how and where resources should be allocated to best meet community needs.

Click to Take the Survey