WIC (Women, Infants, Children) is a supplementation nutrition food program to help families stretch their food budget.

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Bed Bugs

The fact is that through our jobs or in our lives outside of work, all of us have the potential to be exposed to bedbugs.

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Environmental Services

Inspection of public swimming facilities, schools, motels, mobile home and RV parks, septic tank cleaning vehicles, and the county’s state prison and investigation of complaints concerning the above operations

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Food Certifications

The Boyle County Health Department requires all food handlers to become certified food employees by completing either: Food Employee (Handler) Certification or Food Manager Certification.

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Food Safety Inspections

Key items of concern during inspections include employee practices and cleanliness, food protection during storage and preparation, cleaning and sanitizing of equipment and utensils, insect and rodent control, and the storage and use of toxic materials.

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Medical Reserve Corp.

The Preparedness Team at the Boyle County Health Department works in cooperation with local emergency response agencies and the State Department for Public Health to develop plans and procedures to prevent and limit health effects resulting from catastrophic events.

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Any home not constructed to be radon-resistant may have a radon problem. Nearly one in 15 homes in the U.S. have elevated radon levels.

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